Dr. Gaines Morgan is a man of virtue and a savior to many, but when I get on my knees for him, he transforms into someone only I know.
He’s always been the good one. The responsible one. The one with a list of accolades a mile long.
Dr. Gaines Morgan.
He’s a cardiologist with a stellar reputation.
He has saved countless lives with his brilliant mind and skilled hands.
But when he leaves the sanctity of the hospital, he craves more than the whispered words of gratitude from his patients and the pats on the back from his colleagues.
Dr. Morgan craves me.
He’s over a decade older than I am and has a lifetime’s worth of experience, but when he comes knocking on my door, I know he wants only one thing.
Our time together is perfect. It’s a fantasy come to life.
It’s all too good to be true until the man renowned for mending broken hearts does something that shatters mine.